Lotus social welfare trust international brings together disadvantaged people who live in remote villages with professional specialists living in large cities to learn from each other and achieve shared development aims. We are also the friend and member of IFA International Federation on Ageing Canada. Since four years lotus social welfare trust international is working in place where traditional development paraphernalia and personnel rarely go to absence of facilities. We from a potential civil society in Pakistan. We promote sustainable, economic and social development in order to reduce suffering, deprivation and to improve the quality of life for poor people, we have the social, economic, legal and political status of women, and we promote mutual understanding between NGOs of foreign countries and their Pakistani counter parts. we will be able to struggle for converting a would in globle village.We explain to rehabilitation, drug addicts, health care for refugees, education provided, computer information education center provide poor children, young people to receive counseling and guidance on problems related to drugs addiction, to organize culture, shows, to establish vocational and technical school, we try to provide services in the field of helth, culture, social welfare education, child adoption, child labour, Fundamentalism sectarianism useless fields , old person right care and protection , Animal, Birds right and protection , marine life protection environment and aids prevention / awareness.
We hope that you will take a step with us. We hope you will accept our proposal humanely. We are also running a lotus social welfare trust international to make people aware of our activities. Kindly arrange membership for us for your organization it will be a great honor for us to work with you, kindly also send us necessary formalities membership form and other material etc.
Zubair Rahman)
What is the a member of the NGO's family, are Motivated with all the human energy and physical Resources at out disposal, to set the majority of People free from the Lotus and sufferings that Originate form president poverty and various forms of Social injustice prevailing in our society. The very Name of our organization keeps us reminding of this as our main objective as well as the nature and about of Efforts involved in marching ahead. Elimination of Lotus has always been painstaking.
Who is Lotus Welfare Trust International?
Unemployment, Poverty is an age-old phenomenon and has persisted in all societies with a variety of its ugly Dimensions. It emanates for economic circumstances and prolongs its duration with isolated, un-noticed Attitudes of the victims of the so-called vicious Circle of poverty. The region of South Asia, in Particular, inhibits majority of the human lot, which is deprived of the minimum very basic prerequisites of
A life worth living. Numerous factors such as a predominantly feudalistic nature of the society, inequitable distribution of income and wealth, missing Role of the state as a welfare entity, low endowment of resources etc. Are some of the factors behind?
Maintaining the status quo. The forces of change, on The other hand, are either dormant or distorted deliberately by the vested interests to discourage the Proponents of progress and equity in the society. In the given scenario, as highlighted above, the fast Expanding movement of NGOs provides a ray of hope for the down-trodden, dejected people of Pakistan. The Lotus Welfare Trust aspires to reach to the remotest Corners of the region to approach the poverty-ridden People plight has hitherto been un-accessed and Unexplored by any messiah. The integration of our Organization with international welfare institutions Provides us with an opportunity to strike our targets in a more enlightened and professional manner. We earnestly desire also to work in close collaboration with other NGOs in the region some of whom have been doing remarkably good in their respective fields.
How was it formed?
In May 2001, a group of young, energetic and Like-minded fellows constituted the Lotus Welfare Trust International at Karachi. They pledged to devote Maximum of their energy and strength to the cause of Social uplift of the masses and motivate the relatively affluent sections of the society towards the betterment of the otherwise hopeless conditions of the have-not. During a relatively brief period of 4 Years, the Trust has transformed itself into a body of highly dedicated, self-less and professional social Workers with innovation in their approach and Relentless in their spirit.
Why Was It Formed?
There must be a sound justification for new NGOs to be formed in the presence of a number of organizations already working actively to the cause of social work in the country. After having an in-depth view of the Existing bodies in the field, we have observed that they are lacking in a few crucial areas, which form the basis of our own activities and future programs.
(a) All the Noses, with a very few exceptions, of Course, are mainly concentrated to / around the urban Centers where there already exists the requisite Infrastructure for them to easily access their target Population. Relatively better prospects for projection of their work might prove helpful in intensifying their efforts. But those, the most deserving ones in the rural areas who constitute more than 80% of our Total population gets overlooked in the process.
(b) Most of the already small number of NGOs, who Venture to reach to the rural areas, are relying on Traditional methods which circle round the generation of resources / disbursement activities only. While this approach also has its own merits; the modern Practice of social work requires a more stable, Self-sustaining methodology in striking the problems. After having gained the insight and exposure to international modes of social work, the Lotus social Welfare trust international is anxious to apply and Practice them in Pakistan settings.
We, the members of the Lotus Welfare Trust International, believe in and cherish the following Ideals:
(1) We respect the humanity and understand that each Individual has his/her own worth, value and Personality.
(2) All human beings are equal and factors such as the race, cast, religion, color and social or economical Status should not be allowed to be used us the basis for any discrimination.
(3) We believe that everybody can attain the highest Position in life commensurate with his/her abilities.
(4) Every member of the society should have equal Opportunities for growth and development as well Utilization of his faculties.
(5) We shall strive for the noble ideals of human Dignity, social justice and equity, and to promote Brotherhood among the mankind.
(6) We shall make efforts to uphold the cause of human Rights and assist in the democratic culture to take Roots in the society.
(7) We wish to integrate ourselves with all those in other parts of the world who feel for the sufferings that at present engulf the weakest sections of their Societies and aspire for redressal of their Grievances. We, social workers aim at self-realization of an Individual and development of families, groups and Communities. We are obligated to use our efforts to solve social conditions and difficulties impending Progress towards social welfare. We hereby declare that we as professionals, aimed at Improvement of social welfare and development by way Of utilizing our expertise and value orientations, Based on universal principles of humanity. They are Peacekeeping; respect of the individual's dignity and Up-keeping the norms of democracy.
Our Social Economic is based on the principle that all Population should enjoy decent living conditions. We
Will do every possible effort to improve the living Conditions of the most vulnerable and the poorest Sections of our society.
We form a potential Democratic Society in.
We promote sustainable economic and social.
Development in order to reduce suffering, deprivation
And to improve the quality of life for poor people.
We advocate a respective and protected.
Social, economic, legal and political status for
We promote mutual understanding between NGOs.
Of foreign countries and their Pakistan counterpart.
We explain to international NGOs the basic.
Needs of the Pakistani people.
To represent the interests of the most.
Vulnerable in Pakistani society.
To enhance well-being and autonomy of.
Individuals and communities within an integrated,
Equitable and just society.
To develop a partnership between urban and.
Rural peoples by providing an opportunity for urban
Youth to work with an understand rural committees.
To help in disaster, relief efforts, refugee.
Camps, rehabilitating, drug edicts, visiting and
Encouraging the elderly, the sick, the disadvantaged
And those who are in juvenile detention centers.
To provide service in the fields of health,
Culture, social welfare, education, and environment.
We have a unique opportunity to develop a truly global
Drug control strategy.
Our trust promote the permanent preservation of places of historic interest and natural beauty for the benefit of the nation.
Our trust care and luck after refugees and provide food and medical treat mint.
Our trust activities are orientated at transforming people’s behaviors and awareness, as a part of a process of changing social structures and relationships with environmental management that ensures the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable management of natural resources, and environmentally healthy development.
Our trust provide supported sanitation and clean water initiatives.
Our trust provides Agriculture planning, fertilizer, water supply, and farmer training school programme.
Our trust provides helth care institutes.
Our trust provide education programme.
Our trust provides home trade / industry programme.
It was often said that strengthening women's rights of necessity destroys the family.this is a very Shortsighted assumption. A woman protecrted from discrimination and violence, and able to enjoy all her Human rights will be in a far better position to stand up and defend her children and her family. Promoting Gender equality leads to the promotion of equality in a partnership between spouses. Successful family Relationships and coping skills can be acquired. On The other hand, destroying the family means, in most Countries world wide, to leave women alone with her Children and her problems without a partner. Therefore, implementation of sensible laws and Training programmes seems to be a good combination, far better than juxtaposing women to the family. All the documents prove that in civil matters the family is highly estimated as a guarantee for the well being of its individual members. The right to family life is to be considered as a basic human right. The family is not just playing an important role in civil matters. Many of the international instruments concerning Criminal matters are addressed to the family and to The protection of human rights of its members, such As, the united nation guidelines for the prevention of Juvenile delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines), which Emphasize the role of preventive policies facilitating The successful socialization and integration of all Children and young persons, in particular through the Family, as well as through the community and all its Agents. This document states that the society has a Responsibility to assist the family in providing care and protection and in ensuring the physical and mental Well being of children.
The world's biological diversity is a vast and undervalued resource. It comprises every form of life, from the tiniest microbe to the mightiest beast, and the ecosystems of which they are a part. It provides Humanity with a cornucopia of goods and services, from Food, energy and materials to the genes, which protect our crops and heal our diseases. Of some 30 million Species on earth, only about 1.5 million have ever been described. Most species are found near the Equator, with diversity peaking in the tropical Forests and coral reefs. The planet's natural wealth Lies not just in its species, but in the genetic Variations within them. Genetic engineers can use these genes to develop medicines and foods.but Specialized breeding has dangerously narrowed the Genetic variability of many species, cutting their Ability to adapt to pollution, climate change, disease or other forms of adversity. Species disappear naturally over time perhaps 99 per Cent of all those that ever lived are gone but human Activity is speeding up this process. About one Quarter of the earth's species may be lost within the Next 30 years. Species die out as their habitats are destroyed. For instance, more than half the world's Species live in the tropical forests. By 2020 Deforestation could wipe out between 5 and 15 per cent of them. Overexploitation is another threat commercial Interests have jeopardized many species, including Whales and elephants. Industrial and agricultural Pollution have also taken their toll, while the Introduction of competing species into established Ecosystems can have devastating effects. The loss of the earth's biological diversity is one of the most pressing environmental and development issues today with each species that disappears, developing Countries stewards of most of the planet's biological Wealth lose potential for sustainable development. As Natural resources underpin-and are threatened by every Area of human activity, only the broadest possible Cross-sectoral approach can save them. People release Toxic chemical into the environment directly for Instance as pesticides or fertilizers and indirectly as wastes from other combustion once released, many of The chemicals undergo transformation and some may be carried away by the clement to cause local, regional or global chemical pollution.
With few exceptions' people come out of law school without having questioned pro-corporate doctrines on Property (i.e., future profits are corporate property; the fruits of employees' labor are corporate property, the right to manage is corporate property . . .). They Accept today's giant corporations as inevitable. They don’t seem to wonder how it came to pass that Corporations became legal persons with free speech and other constitutional rights . . . while workers on Company turf has no Bill of Rights protections. They do not encourage the rest of us to ask why a Sovereign people should permit corporate legal Fictions to elect our representatives, write/pass our Laws, or lie to the public on vital issues. Environmental and labor lawyers are trained not to Challenge prevailing assumptions about the law, and to accept current legal doctrines. And then they train us Corporate lawyers, government lawyers, environmental Lawyers -- all have been funnelling people's time, Energy and resources into stacked deck regulatory and Administrative law arenas . . . where even if we "Win," we don't win much, and where there are few Mechanisms we can use to shift rights and powers from Corporations to people, communities and nature. Movement lawyers should take their cues from activists on the ground. Local organizers should say, "Such-and-such investment and production are Destructive, uneconomical and wrong, but are protected by law and therefore by government. We will educate and organize to stop these Harm doers. We need you lawyers to figure out how we
Can use the law and the courts to help us, or at least not to block us. Please don't lecture us about what we can’t do. Don't come up with legal strategies, which Enable corporatons to hide behind the privileges and Immunities which corporations have taken from the People. And please don't tie our hands." Some of these environmental law groups received immediate support and financial backing from powerful Philanthropies like the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, and from law firms which represented large corporations. In fact, most populur struggles -- labor, civil Rights, and environmental -- have been taken out of the public's hands. Trade unionists allow their rights as organizers to be defined not by the power they wield but by the National Labor Relations Act. Years of protest by civil rights activists led to federal Laws like the Voing Rights Act which are much less than what people had organized and died for. What did we get? Laws which legalized the poisoning of the air and water, which legalized clear cuting which left unchallenged the privileges and immunides which corporations had usurped during the past century, and which concentrated power in the hands of appointed regulators and administrators insulated from our reach.
The increase in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems which has been such a striking feature of most western developed countries since the end of world war 11 have given rise to a search for new and effective ways of preventing the adverse health and social consequences of drinking. Nowhere has that search been more vigorous than in the area of alcohol education. The potential benefits of effective educational programmes are great, reaching across the whole drinking population at the same time as they offer the opportunity to focus upon the needs of particularly vulnerable groups. The educational structures are already available, both in the sense of formal institutions such as schools and universities and also through informal media, such as newspapers, television and other media. Additional impetus has been gathered from a general increase in people's awareness of Helth and willingness, at least in some areas, to take positive action. Parallels have been drawn with the area of smoking education, where some campaigns seem to have met with substantial success. Alcohol education appears full of promise. It has few opponents, since drinkers and nondrinkers, governments and the liquor industry, doctors and barmen, all seem to believe that it has as important role to play in encouraging healthier and moderate behavior, particular social policy proposals, such as increasing the price of alcohol, meet with vehement opposition. Even particular treatment approaches can arouse bitter attacks. But Alcohol education generally sails ahead to the stay, if rather undemonstrative approval of the population at large. The question, which emerges, is whether the Popularity of alcohol education is because it is self-evidently harmless or because it can be potentially instrumental in altering what continues to be a deteriorating situation. The search for innovative approaches to alcohol education has produced and enormous expansion in the range and diversity of programmes, materials and campaigns in countries around the world. There can be little doubt that some at least of these efforts are remarkable for their inentivencess, thoughtfulness and energy. All are well intentioned. However, what is far less certain is whether these efforts can really be shown, individually or collectively, to have a positive impact upon Health.
To promote the exchange of epidemiological research on a alcohol across cultures based on a wide Rage of methodological approaches.
To foster a comparative understanding of the social aspects of alcohol use and problems;
To share information on current research projects;
To encourage research in the developing world;
It is with great pleasure that Lotus welfare trust international work child abuse and neglect the process Of sharing our knowledge with, and learning from, each other is a continuos and evolving one .the sub-themes will attempt to balance the narrow focus of child abuse detection, education, and the setting of general societal standards the global task of facilitating protective families to rear protected children will be Addressed. The prevention of child abuse and neglect by providing for the material needs of families, as Well as by fostering parent's confidence in their own abilities to nurture and discipline their own children Will be discussed. The role of governments, legal systems, and communities in this process will also be addressed.
Build vocational. & technical schools.
To carry out projects aimed at increasing the.
Carrying potential of women through skill development,
Training and adult literacy courses and thereby
Reducing the degree of their dependency.
To conduct workshops & seminars on drug
To establish school in remote areas for. Children.
To follow forward the programs of the United National and the government of Pakistan on environment. The Lotus intends to carry out with its own version of Children Forest Program (C.F.P) with 'love green' as the main slogan. All out efforts would be made to inculcate the green house culture in the country.
Welfare services.
Ambulance services.
Community welfare centers.
Know how about family planning.
Provide education ,helth care programme .
Peace awareness programme.
Envirmental programme.
To promote handicrafts.
To promote cottage industries.
To organize cultural stage drama and others.
Shows etc.
Lotus Welfare Trust International is governed by its trustees, which consist of a president, vice
President, secretary general, joint secretary, and secretary finance and executive board trustees.
Lotus Welfare Trust International accepts as member all those persons who are dedicated themselves for
Social work. Membership is voluntary and members can join and leave at their own will. Presently lotus
Welfare Trust International has 500 members from all over the country by the end of the fiscal year 2001.
With the Lotus Welfare Trust International is enjoying good linkages with National Conceal of social welfare, Distt. Education Department, Distt. Administration and social welfare Department. Besides these we have develop good network with local groups and NGOs. We have a network of local organization regarding information sharing and exchange of experience.
Mair Puir, District West Karachi, Hocks Bay Village Punjab Balochistan Sindh all country city and villages
My target. Right now there are a lot of areas, which need a lot of development in different walk of life,
And our projects area is one of the most remote areas between them.
Before choosing Sindh villages as our Project Area we visited several villages and found as the most needy
And the most deserving villages. The names of other villages, which we visited, are listed below:
Sharafi Goth
Dawood Goth
After visiting workshop these villages we visited 20 villages we visited five villages of Karachi west,
East district and then choose Mari Pur because it is in the Most backward Area Karachi and the people of
Other five villages can easily get benefit form the facilities which will be provided there through this
Projects. The names of seven near by villages of Mari Pur are written bellow:
Hoor Nachi Para.
Futher Colony.
Budhani Goth.
Yusuf Goth.
Malir Goth.
Jaskani Mohallah
7. Landhi Goth.
First we did a compete survey and workshop of those villages and got information about the every aspect of
The local people's life and about the problems which they were having. After this diagnostic process we
Felt that people need help and there is so much work to do, so we choose these villages as our projects
did choose Mari Pur as our Project area''?
At the moment in the said area, there are no basic facilities of human life and it is the most Arid Zone
And extremely disaster area. At the present time there are no roads and people of this village have to travel
A long way to reach the main road. Health services and educational facilities are not available. We felt that
People don't have any facility to deal with these problems. This village needs a development in
Different walks of life. As our policy is to help the poorest and the most
Vulnerable sectors of our country, so we started our
Projects in these villages.
are our activities?
Our projects is to provide education, Health, computer information, environment, child labour, handicrafts,
Drinking water facilities to the villagers. To meet his goal we intend to start a school, an industrial home and a dispensary in these villages by using our own means and resources. To improve their standard of living we will start some income generating schemes. Before starting this project they were used to drink water from a canal which is not clean, but now Lotus Welfare Trust International has provided them drinking water Facility by installing hand pumps computer information education. It is multi- purpose projects and we want to improve village's standard of living and provide them facilities in every walk of life.
This importance of the education cannot be over rated. It effects vitally the outlook and efficiency of the
People folk. The main purpose of the education project is to provide the basic educational services, network
And development in order to increase the literacy the literacy rate. This is to improve the quality and
Standard of life of the poor peoples of the area, by providign them educational facilities on the doorsteps
Of their villages. To conduct adult literacy courses.
The construction of school building at the. Village and arrangement of books and other educational
Material and staff, i.e., teachers (male female), peon, watchman etc.
To construct an industrial home. To carry out projects which aim to in increase the caring potential of woman through skills development and training. To improve the living standard of the local female population by giving them training of some useful skills which can help them in generating income also.
The overall goal of this program is to raise the standard of health of the local community, with a
Special focus on reducing child and infant mortality, morbidity and maternal mortality, and to increase
Community awareness and self sufficiency in health related issuss.more specifically, the projects aim to
Bring about the positive change of attitude of mothers and adolescent girls, with increase knowledge, skills
And confidence to make use of health and other facilities; improve the health of women and children
Through immunization, ante natal and well-baby clinic, post natal visits and referral to clinics and
Hospitals; develop school going children into catalysts to spread health care and social awareness in the rural community, the nutrition and childcare classes, education on basic heath.
This project's beneficiaries are 100 people living in Mari Pur village and 4000 people of other seven
Since Mari Pur in the center of those villages and the people of these villages can arrive here very easily,
So we are running our projects here.
Local people's participation is very important factor. When interventions include the participation of the
Community, as well as understanding of their needs, the programs are more successful. Through
Participation the communities build their self-help potential and feel confident and better equipped to
Face the challenges and deal with problems. According to the agreement with the village chief and
Other people of the community they provided us land and labor for the said projects. The local people are very friendly and cooperative. We made them realized that things could be changed if they stick together, organized and act, so they are cooperating a lot and are very much hopeful.
We have done the complete survey of the project area and about all the aspects of the villager's life to
Investigate about their problems and to know about their behavior towards those problems.
To bring a social change there we are continuously trying to change their minds and to make them
Understand the importance of education, cleanliness etc. To get this purpose and to involve them, we made
Different committees in these villages which are given below:
development committee.
labors committee.
development committee.
right committee.
person committee.
supplies committee.
sees clean committee.
world refugees protection committee.
right law committee.
health committee.
education and training
planing committee.
In the material sense we have revised them drinking water facility by installing hand pumps in these Villages. Before installing these hand pumps they were used to drink water from a canal which is not clean and due to this problem they were having many health problems. There was a big risk of cholera, infectious
Hepatitis, typhoid, dysentery, parasitic etc. this manner we have solved one of there basic but major problem.
We arranged a camp in Mari Pur on the occasion of Polio day because government didn't provide any Services regarding this matter.
We have started working in village Hoor Nachi Para and other nearby villages.
Hoor Nachi Para Budhani Goath Future colony Karachi.
We completed the census and complete survey of the village to investigate about their problems. After this diagnostic process we felt that people are facing a lot of problems here. They don't have any king of health and drinking water facilities. These problems create a lot of difficulties in their lives. Email no lotus social welfare trust international: -Lotustrust@hotmail.com / lotustrust@yahoo.com
We intend to provide them drinking water facilities by construction of water supply system. We also want to
Solve their health problem by starting a child mother Health care center and dispensary in the village.
LSWTI is working for the establishment of the Non formal school in the village and other nearby villages with the cooperation of the department of Non formal education, Sindh Punjab, Balochistan, frontier villages.
According to census committee there are 444 houses in this village and twelve hundred people are living
Here. People are very friendly and co-operative. The project will be benefiting and advantageous for
Approximately 9000 people of nearby villages also.
A lack of water is considered the main factor inhibiting the development of a sustainable food Production base in Pakistan. Lotus social welfare trust international works with communities to build earth Embankment dams and masonry weirs for water supplies for domestic, livestock and irrigation purposes. The Trust operates a dam construction unit of four agricultural tractors with dam scoops, trailers and Water bowsers. Despite the use of such equipment, earth dam construction with an adequate impoundment and properly constructed spillway is still an onerous and skilled task. Adequate preparations and precautions must be carried out and it is extremely demanding of manual labour. The sheer physical work is enormous, particularly for the general workers very many of whom will be women desperate to improve their water security situation. Any community engaged in dam building has a great deal of work to undertake which is particularly
Difficult without adequate equipment. Partly because of the exodus of men from the rural areas there are invariably more women and girls involved in dam construction than men and boys. Rocks have to be cleared and sand and aggregate collected for building the rocks into the head wall and spillway of the dam. The foundation of the dam wall has to be dug out, some 5 metres wide and deep enough to either reach rock or a solid underlying surface. A site has to be cleared and prepared from where material for the dam wall can be scraped and the dam wall itself has to be consolidated.Concrete and building mortar has to be mixed for the several local builders who will be involved in the masonry work of the dam.Community work includes the collecting and transporting of large volumes of rock to the construction site to stone-pitch the entire upstream bank to reduce damage from the impounded water. Excavating the core trench for Malir Landhi Dam Apart from livestock and domestic use, the dams provide water for irrigation. Wherever possible irrigation schemes are constructed down-stream of a dam so that water gravitates naturally to garden children without either the initial or the operating costs of engines, motors or pumps. Water is distributed within the children park by canals to flooded beds or to simple low-level tanks from where Water can easily be drawn and carried to the irrigation beds. Water supplied to such small-scale irrigation schemes frequently becomes the corner stone of food security systems within a community. Lotus social welfare Trust international is a key partner in the Give a Hand pump and under ground store water tank Campaign; a collaboration of local and international NGO's Local Government administration, Government agencies, the private sector and Donor partners. The campaign has identified the construction of dams as one of the main solutions to the chronic food shortages in Matabeleland all Pakistan. The construction of small and medium size dams, coupled with the development of small, community managed, gravity fed irrigation schemes is the foundation of a co-ordinated program for sustainable improvement of the food security situation in the Province. The Campaign sets out to construct approximately 100 dams and at least 50 irrigation schemes,
Although most nations regard adoption and similar arrangements as one of the last resorts for children
Without parents, it does offer many infants and young children hope of a new and caring environment in which to grow. Adoption is generally preferable to institutional care, and nations usually have well
Established haws and procedures for the placement of orphaned or abandoned children in suitable homes.
Youth education society district east NGO's. It's a project of a hostel (orphanage) for the orphan
Children. Its aim is to prove all the facilities to the orphan children, which a child should have.
Was with them from beginning to the end and when this project was completed Lotus welfare trust
NO 9221-4503493
NO 9221-2418954
E-mail lotustrust@yahoo.com
Hoping that you are kind enough to consider this matter personally and sincerely. Waiting for favorable response from your end. Please do not hesitate to contact our office in case you have any futher questions (by fax, email and phone in the mornings).
We look forward to a very promising and meeting you soon.
Looking forward to be staying in tuch
With best regards
Mr.Syed Salman Mehdi Rizvi
Mr.Rana Aftab Ahmad
Syed Ali Raza
DR.Nuzhat Aara
Mr. Syed Agha Jaffar Ali Rizvi
Punjab Organizer
Miss Nasreen Zaidi
N.W.F.P Organizer
Serdar Ali Akber Khan
Balouchistan Organizer
Nawab Nadir Mugse